Thursday, September 27, 2012

Little Miss Momma

Today I'm being featured over at Little Miss Momma, so if you've clicked here from there, welcome to So I Married a Craft Blogger!

 For those of you who might be new, I thought I'd mention a few fun posts from craft days of yore.

Truncated Posts:   It seems everyone has an opinion on whether or not to truncate blog posts. Read my interesting theory here.
Help For Hoarders:  Are you a craft hoarder? I know the symptoms, and try to keep Mandy from becoming this lady.
WTHIWW:   Hey, guys wear clothes on Wednesday’s too. Why should you girls have all the fun blogging about it? Except this outfit got me into trouble.
Nothing But A Bunch of Empty Frames:  Do you have a frame wall? Do you know what guys think of them?
It’s A Project, Not A Craft:  Don’t get the lingo wrong.


  1. Wow! Congrats! LMM is awesome! You and Mandy came up with a great idea documenting this man's perspective thing. The real question now is...are you attending SNAP this year with Mandy? LOL I enjoyed her company last year over dinner and now that you're a blogger too is she having you come? You'd make an interesting speaker!

  2. Go you!!! You've hit the big time now! :)


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