Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Mandy's doing a WIWW (What I Wore Wednesday) post today, and I recognized the picture and thought I'd better participate with a WTHIWW from the same day.

Context: We were going out for dinner with the kids and then a movie with just us.

What this outfit might say:
  • This dude is under dressed. Mandy said I was under dressed for our date. I want to know how dressed up I need to be to see Batman. Other than maybe a watch or a tungsten rings, there isn't much more accessorizing for a man.
  • This dude wears free T-shirts. Correct. I got it by holding up two kids over my head at the start of the run to get the MC's attention - he singled us out when he threw it, yelling: "To the dad!"
  • This dude likes rainbow parades. If you don't know what the Color Run is, you might think I'm supporting a pride run.
  • This dude is wearing the same shorts I bought husband in 2004. Yep.
  • This dude is thrilled to be posing for his first WIWW. I am. Very. 

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  1. Your blog cracks me up...mainly b/c I feel like it is my husband writing it. You two are like the same person. :)

  2. Adorable...both of you! I'm glad that Mandy is dragging you into the full blown experience of the craft blog world.

  3. You make me smile. I'm pretty sure if my hubby had a blog it would be very much like yours.

  4. This is a great post.

  5. HAHA. This is basically how me and my hubby look for our dinner/movie dates Me all done up and him in basic shorts and tee. Nice!

  6. As always LOL! You sound like every guy I know. And such a good dad too!

  7. Love it! You are such a good sport! :)

  8. Thanks for making me laugh today...can't wait to show my husband this. Ha!

  9. Oh my gosh....I freaking love reading your blog. You and my hubs seriously should have a chat! LOL

  10. I can't help but chuckle and wonder what my own husband must be thinking. Thanks for the husband's perspective.

  11. I *totally* bought my husband those shorts in 2004. And he is still wearing them!

  12. HAHAHA! Welcome to WIWW. I think it needs to become a weekly thing... just sayin'.

  13. All you had to do was tuck in your shirt and you would have gotten over the "dressed up enough" threshold.

  14. I'm so glad I found your blog, can't remember how, but I saved it to favorites and now I'm a follower. What can I say I enjoy what you have to say from the other end and I love it.

  15. Found you through Little Miss Momma. Great stuff.

  16. oh my gosh I am dying. I am so excited to spend my entire night reading through your posts. So glad I found your blog! And thanks for making us all feel so pathetic! ;)

  17. Love this! My husband can totally relate!



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